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Boa Vista Farm - Brazil


Like thousands of families in the Espirito Santo Mountains, the Siring Klippel family are descendants of immigrants from the extinct Pomerania region, and they diligently uphold the traditions of their forebears.

Growers: Siring Klippel family
Region: Mountains of Espirito Santos
Process: Pulped Natural 
Varietal: Red Catucai
Altitude: 950 m.a.s.l

Profile: A well balanced cup with excellent sweet milk chocolate body, medium acidity, notes of grape aroma and a guava and malt sweetness.

Roasters Notes: Perfect for hand brewing it's suitable for, Aeropress, Delta Press, Filter, and cold brew.  Not suitable for espresso.

About the Farm

Boa Vista farm is located in the Alto Lagoa area, also known as Mata Fria (which translates to cold bush). In this haven of pristine nature, the average summer temperature is 22 degrees while in winter can drop as low as 6 degrees which is perfect for coffee growing.